This past week we ent on a tour of Arlington , Ma. It is not always easy visiting a town and this week was particularly challenging giving we are in the middle of a pandemic and it is winter so there where very limited things to do. We did manage to eat a very good lunch from Fresh Pond Seafood. My mom and I both had a fried Haddock sandwich which came with a cup of chowder.It was very fresh. We drove to a nearby pond to eat and enjoy the view.

After a tasty lunch we tried to go to the Menotomy Rocks Park but the trail was very icy and it looked like we were parking in someone’s driveway. We will save that for another day. We were driving around the town and came across skyview park where a number of people were sledding on the small hill there. It was too chilly to get out so we drove to the Jason Russel House to go to the museum there. It was closed for the season but we met a very nice man outside who told us about the museum (and strongly recommended Jimmy’s steakhouse for lunch.)Paul Revere was at this site and it was also the site of the bloodiest fight in the revolutionary war. There are still bullet holes in the wall from that fight.Also there was a giant tusk from a Mastedon found in a local pond. We will save this place for another day as well.

We also tried to go to the Cyrus Dallin Museum which is a local sculptor showroom. It was closed. Also MassHole doughnuts is nearby but only open in the morning. We ended up our day walking thru down town on Mass. Ave. There are a number of shops, coffee places and also the Visitors center which is open seasonally. The Visitors center is located near a statue of Uncle Sam who was from Arlington. Also Olympia Dukakis and Dave of ShaNaNa are notable past residents.
While Arlington wasn’t our favorite town to visit I am sure if we went back in the summer or when more things are open we may enjoy it more. Perhaps we will visit again someday.